Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sean Cheetham and Nathan Fowkes Wk 10 + 11

YUP!! Sean and Nathan's class at LAAFA concludes! Here is some of my final work I created for the class. I'll be posting up a review and some helpful art notes soon. :)

wk10 painting - not my most polished, but Sean liked the chiseled look.  

self portrait - took a risk with the pose and lighting. but wanted to try it out. not as successful as my other one with Chris Legaspi, but it was quite a fun challenge to paint this one.
Chris Legaspi from
5 hr pose at courbet art circle today. i liked how it turned out. the colors. very challenging frontal lighting too. almost no shadows. :o
Nathan Fowkes Landscape quicksketch - done from photos shown on a TV screen.

top 2 are done from life at placerita canyon park. Rest are done from photos, except the last one, which is a view from my house.

japanese garden

done from photos + mastercopies show on a TV during Nathan's class.