Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Daily SpitPaint - 30 minute speed paintings

Earlier this year Daily Spitpaint was a really cool Facebook group with a lot of great artwork and good artists. After a while, it kind of turned to crap. There is still good art there - but it's mostly crap now. With 50k members - it gets out of control. Most of these paintings were done in 30 minutes. A couple of them I took some extra time to refine and finish. These paintings were done from February 10, 2014 - April 28, 2014. During this time - I learned a LOT. A learned how to do something that looked really good in a short amount of time. It was very inspiring.  (Mostly make things crisp in foreground and make the background blurry with gaussian blur. And make sure to use photo reference. lol) 

  Red Riding hood. Did some photo bashing on the right. Tried to emulate Maciej Kuciara's workflow.

Ice Breaker

Experiment with Photoshop's 3D feature.

Edge Study


custom brush study

Liana Hee art style

took some time to refine this one. 

took some time to finish it up. 

Anthony Jones Style

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