Saturday, March 19, 2011

1000 environments

So couple months ago - I had this idea to do 100 environments. Today, during the Nathan Fowkes workshop, I had a great idea - 1000 environments!

The point would be to let me experience a variety of subjects and styles:
1) environments for games
2) animation
3) science fiction
4) fantasy
5) urban environments
6) landscape painting
7) amusement parks
8) environments with crowds
9) environments at night

Instead of doing 1000 environments straight, I would sets of 100. Each set having it's own theme of subject matter and style of illustration. One idea I liked was to do mastercopies, but copy each illustration about 5-10 times using different ways to break it down: loose contours, abstract shapes, simplified greyscale, color studies, lighting variations, and color variations.

So that will be my first set of 100. Yup. My goal is now real. I just have to do it. Mileage.


  1. Wow...1000 is a lot!!! O_O That's a really great goal though! I BELIEVE IN YOU! :D And man will you learn a lot from that...haha. Nice video to go with that too ;) Will Smith is awesome!

  2. Thanks Elora. Yeah I got my idea from the brick wall story in that video. I won't think of doing 1000 sketches, just a couple of really good sketches day by day. :)
